뉴 컬렉션 : 남성 - 여성
10만원 이상 무료배송
10만원 이상 구매시 무료 배송 50일 이내 환불 가능
A cocktail of power and rock!

King Kerosin

From his garage, King Kerosin had the idea of associating the unusual appearance of the biker with the rock & roll style and create his own fashion line. Very grown then, their looks are super authentic, really creative and ultra streetwear. Spectacular by the originality and by their rather crude allure, they are increasingly gaining popularity with the hat world.
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No conventions, with a rebellious spirit

King Kerosin is also "Queen" Kerosin. Their superb creations aren't chauvinist and are also going to delight "rebellious" women.
Enjoy their vintage caps, their trucker caps to get company during your DIYs or just magnify your relaxed style.

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  1. French Millinery
  2. King Kerosin
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