뉴 컬렉션 : 남성 - 여성
10만원 이상 무료배송
10만원 이상 구매시 무료 배송 50일 이내 환불 가능


This is the kind of story we love hearing. Herman, the famous Belgian millinery was born in 1874 after a meeting in a train! Mr Herman had the good idea to meet a hat vendor who wanted to sell their activity. That entrepreneur accepts the challenge, feels passionate about headwear and conquers the international market with his numerous felt, straw and leather hats.
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The business, passed on from father to son for four generations is a European reference. It offers each year two collections of caps, beanies and hats with modern, relax and elegant designs. Its products are synonym of refinement and quality, at very reasonable price. Belgian people show one more time their talent and their continuity!

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  1. French Millinery
  2. Herman
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