뉴 컬렉션 : 남성 - 여성
10만원 이상 무료배송
10만원 이상 구매시 무료 배송 50일 이내 환불 가능


Inspired by the culture, music and the people surrounding them, Brixton is the collaboration of three friends who wanted to convey their lifestyle through unique products. Created in 2004, the Brixton hat’s design is neat and timeless, offering a variety of both traditional and modern styles.
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Brixton is a state of spirit or a lifestyle. No garment is left behind, not even the accessories. You will find hats, caps, beanies and travel bags as well. To clothe you from head to toes and to accompany you everywhere!

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Adopt the Brixton spirit

  1. French Millinery
  2. Brixton
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